(List Inchoate)
AWP Award Series - F/N/P
Permafrost Book Prize (150 pages minimum, rotates genres) - F/N/P
Cutbank Chapbook Competition (details not apparent)
The George Garrett Prize (40-100k, Due Sept) - F
X. J. Kennedy Poetry Prize (50-100 pages, due Sept) - P
Quarterly West Chapbook Contest (18-54 pages, open genre) - F/N/P
Harvard Chapbook Prize (Novella 15k-30K) - F (current)/N (2024)
Bath Novella-in-Flash Award (6-18k comprised of stores < 1k) - F
The Story Prize ($40k for published book)
Split Lip Press (Various book submission opportunities)
River Teeth Book Prize (book-length literary nonfiction) - N
UMass Press Juniper Prize for Nonfiction (150-300 pages) - N
Florida Review - Jeanne Leiby Memorial Chapbook Award
Flannery O'Conner award (40-75k, due 5/31)
Katherine Anne Porter Prize
Iowa Review (?)
Noemi and FC2's contests
BOA Editions 22-50k words, due 5/31
Mary McCarthy prize
Drue Heinz Literature prize ($15k) May/June 150-300 pages including novellas
James Jones Novel fellowship due 3.15 (novel in progress) $10k
AWP Series awards (novel and short) 1/1-2/28 decent $
VA Poetry
Raymond Carver Contest
Bridport Prize (check if there’s a book-length category)
The London Magazine Prize
Harvard Radcliffe Award
Dobie Ranch Prize
Katherine Anne Porter Prize
The Georgia Review Prose Prize
Pen Oral Storytelling Award
Bellingham Review Prize
Prairie Schooner Raz-Shumaker Book Prize (F: 150 pages, P: 50) - F/P
Drue Heinz Literature Prize
Wallace Stegner Prize in Environmental Humanities
Everett Southwest Literary Award (link was down 10.6)
Internships & other opportunities
Copper Canyon Press Internships (paid 3-5 months of publishing immersion)
Tom Howard/John H. Reid Fiction & Essay Contest ($3k prize) - F/N