David McDannald’s 2024 Nonfiction Rankings
The table incorporates data from Best American Essays (8 years), Pushcart Prizes (7 Years), and National Magazine Awards (6 years, 2 categories), for winners and notables, to rank 200 journals who publish excellent nonfiction. (Journals who don’t accept submissions and those on hiatus or closed are excluded.) For an unweighted list of all publications cited in Best American Essays 2016 - 2023 click here.
The 1st column is overall rank, the 2nd column Best American Essays only, the 3rd column Pushcart Prizes only.
Weightings: Best American winners 12 points vs. 9 points for Pushcart. Best American Notables 1 point vs. 4 points for Pushcart. National Magazine Award winners 15 points vs. 7.5 points for finalists (for Features and Excellence in Literature, Science & Politics) with periodicals included only if they had at least one story noted by Pushcart or Best American Essays. More recent awards are ranked higher (data values have a slight but accelerating decay.)
Lists of journals accepting long prose & very short prose.
Please email me with comments or suggestions. Remember that there are countless great journals not listed here and many ways to slice data. My hope is to create a useful tool. - david