20,000+ words
Agni (no limit) - Fiction/Nonfiction
The Atavist (8-30k, pitch first) - N
Coffee House Press (novellas 20-35k) - F
Conjunctions (often publishes long work, 20k+ welcome) - F/N
Epoch (40k) - F/N
Harvard Chapbook Prize (Novella 15k-30K) - F/N (2024)
LitMag’s Bard Books (novels, collections, novellas) - F/N/P
Massachusetts Review - Working Titles (7,500-25,000) - F/N
McSweeney's Quarterly (length “up to you”) - F/N
New England Review (potential home for writing up to 20k) - F/N
New Letters (novellas up to 30k) - F/N(?)
Northwest Review (novellas 20-50k words) - F
The Offing (prose of any length, including excerpts) - F/N
Paris Review (no limit) - F/N
Ploughshares - Fall Longform Issue (7,500-20,000) - F/N
A Public Space (novellas & novel excerpts always welcome) - F/N
River Teeth (no limit) - N
Story (25k) - F
Subtropics (will read work of any length) - F/N
ZYZZYVA (no limit) - F/N
12,000+ Words
American Short Fiction (15k or perhaps no limit) - F
Alaska Quarterly Review (70 pages/18k words) - F/N
Cincinnati Review & Prize JUL (40 pages: fiction / 20 pages: nonf) - F
Colorado Review Nelligan Prize (12,500) - on hiatus
Iron Horse Long Story Prize (20-40 pages) - F/N
Litmag (15k) - F/N
Missouri Review (12k limit but must be exceptional above 9k) - F/N
Narrative (15k + synopsis of rest for longer) - F/N
Pleiades (fiction > 12k will “need to impress,” 6k for nonfiction) - F
Raritan (no guidelines but they publish work > 12k) - N
Salmagundi (12k) - F/N
Southern Humanities Review (nonf < 12k, fiction < 8k) - F/N
10,000 Words
Another Chicago Magazine (Nonf no set limit, F < 7,500) - N/F
Bennington Review (up to 30 pages, excerpts self-contained) - F/N
Carve (10k) - F/N
The Common (hard 10k-limit) - F/N
Ecotone (10k) - F/N
Electric Lit - Recommended Reading (2-10k) - F
Granta (10k) - F/N
Harper’s Magazine (publishes stories longer than 10k) - F
Hopkins Review (nonf generally not exceeding 10k, F 8k) - F/N
Hudson Review (10k) - F/N
Joyland Magazine (10k) - F/N
Kenyon Review (excerpts up to 30 pages) - F/N
Lascaux Prizes (10k) - F/N
Minnesota Review (10k) - N
North American Review & Vonnegut Prize OCT (10k) - F/N
Passages North Waasnode Prize (10k) - F
Salamander Fiction Prize (up to 30 pages, MAY) - F
Sewanee Review & Contest JUL (10k) - F/N
Socrates on the Beach (3-10k) - F/N
Southern Indiana (stories > 10k difficult but not impossible to publish, excerpts welcome) - F/N?
Southern Review (rarely > 10k but will consider) - F/N
Story Prize (under 10k) - F
7000+ Words
The Adroit Journal (up to 9k total in 1-3 pieces) - F/N
Baffler (no guidelines but they publish work around 7k) - F/N
Barrelhouse (no limit but tend to publish work < 8k) - F/N
Black Warrior Review (7k) - F/N
Blackbird (query over 8k, excerpts welcome if self-contained) - F/N
Boulevard (8k) - F/N
Cimarron Review (25 pages but there can be exceptions) - F/N
Colorado Review (no word count but usually 15-25 pages) - F/N
Cutbank (8,500 words) - F/N
Fence (8k) - F
Fiction (under 5k encouraged but will read work of any length) - F
Five Points (up to 7,500 words) - F/N
Five South (up to 8,000 words) - F/N
Florida Review (up to 9,000 words or 30 pages) - F/N
Fourth Genre (try to keep it under 8k) - N
Georgia Review & Prose Prize (no limit but rarely longer than 9k, prize length unstated) - F/N
Grist (7k) - F/N
Gulf Coast (20 pages) - F/N
Guernica (fiction 2-7k, novel excerpts welcome, nonf > 2,500) - F/N
Hunger Mountain (8k) - F/N
Idaho Review (no limit but rarely > 25 pages, novel excerpts welcome) - F
Iowa Review & Awards (25 pages) - F/N
The Journal (fiction generally < 8k, nonfiction < 6k) - F
LitMag’s Virginia Woolf Award (3-8k, DEC) - F
Longreads (typically 2-6k, but “pieces may be longer or broken up into a series”) - N
Malahat Review (fiction 8k, nonfiction 6k) - F
Michigan Quarterly Review (1,500-7000 words) - F/N
Mississippi Review Prize (1-8k words) - F/N
Missouri Review Prize (8,500 words) - F/N
MQR Jesmyn Ward Prize (length not mentioned) - F
New Millennium Writing Awards (7,500-word max) - F
Nimrod & Katherine Anne Porter Prize (story/excerpt < 7,500 words) - F
Passages North (8k) - F/N
Shenandoah (stories & novel excerpts up to 8k) - F/N
Southeast Review (7,500 words) - F/N
Swamp Pink (7,500 but exceptional work can fall outside it) - F/N
The Sun (rarely longer than 7k) - F/N
Third Coast (7,500 for fiction, 7k for nonfiction, query for longer) - F/N
Water-Stone Review (8k) - F/N
Witness & Lit Awards OCT (7k) - F/N
Yale Review (7,500 words) - F/N
Litmags accepting long PRose
(Updated often so refresh your browser if you’ve visited before. I started making this list when I had a story that got out of control.)