Essays on Texas
Gettysburg Review: Killing Dun (Notable Essay: Best American Essays 2019)
The Oxford American: How Not to Raise Llamas
Michigan Quarterly Review: Migrants at the Door
New Letters: The Republic of Texas (Nominated for a Pushcart Prize)
Words Without Borders: The City and the Writer: Marfa
North Dakota Quarterly: Living Without Birds
Essays on Africa
The American Scholar: Letter from Maasailand
Huffington Post: Activism Refresh
Sierra: Baby Jack's Dark Journey
Glimmer Train: Stealing Chickens
TriQuarterly: Park Bench of the Mind
Connecticut Review: Raid at Rockbridge Baths
Counterpunch: Hymn to the Koch Brothers
Subtropics: When Presidents Surf Porn Theorem
Hobart / HAD: Artifacts from Bachelorhood
Other Essays
Glimmer Train: On Killing the Cursor (craft essay)
Truthout: The War of Extraction
The Pinch: A Man Who Tells No Stories
Southern Indiana Review: Tunki (forthcoming)
"Park Bench of the Mind" (Fiction)
A story about the end of the road for a curmudgeonly old-timer looking back on his glory days.
"Migrants at the Door" (Essay)
The dreaded knock came from a man who lived behind the world David inhabited. A migrant, injured and frantic, stood outside the door of his remote cabin.
"When Presidents Surf Porn Theorem" (Experimental)
An attempt, using qualitative formulas, to prove presidents should surf porn.
"How Not to Raise Llamas" (Essay)
After taking over the ranch, David fails a test of courage in solving the problem of an unruly llama.
"Rustlers" (Essay)
David discovers that the ranch hand who has been stealing cattle has something in common with himself.
"The McDannald Fire" (Essay)
David’s beloved ranch catches fire in a catastrophic blaze named after his family.
"On the Baka of Cameroon" (Essay)
In the Central African jungle, while trying to find Baka still living away from roads, David joins a conflict over a Baka girl hit by a motorcycle.
"The Republic of Texas" (Essay)
David leaves Wall Street to live on a West Texas ranch and uncovers family conflict bordering on myth.
"Killing Dun" (Essay)
A notable essay in Best American Essays 2019, “Killing Dun” traces the last days of a beloved horse on a ranch near Marfa, Texas.
"Letter from Maasailand" (Essay)
A modern Maasai teenager finds himself face to face with Masai warriors still living within older traditions.
"Jack's Dark Journey" (Essay)
In eastern Cameroon, David and Ofir save a baby gorilla orphaned after the slaughter of its family by poachers.
"Stealing Chickens" (Fiction)
“Stealing Chickens” is a story about a man rescuing child soldiers from the war in DRC. It led off the second to last issue of Glimmer Train.